Wednesday, August 22, 2007

So What Do You Think Of Sal So Far??

----Sal Corrente signed on to become one of my contributors on Saturday and I know some of you thought I lost my mind. I hope everyone has been as surprised as me at the columns. "The Big Cheese" is not as big as a goof as many of thought. He has written two very intelligent thought provoking columns. What do you guys think??


Administrator said...

I welcome him aboard. While my feelings are well known about the whole Lawler situation, he does seem to have something to offer as a writer and hell even if carrying Vince's bag was the only thing he'd ever done it would make him more qualified than half the writers on the net, so why not. I've liked what he's written so far.

Iceking29 said...

Good column so far. There some things that I agree with him on and others that I don't but that's how a column should be.

Bluesman said...

I'll need to read a couple more articles to make any determination. The more folks on the board, the better. This should make for some good discussions. welcome aboard.

mr x said...

I agree with Bluesman, but its been good so far.

Gregzilla said...

He has some interesting columns. I don't care much for his milking the situation with Memphis Wrestling.